Global Communications

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) and English as an Additional Language (EAL) International Department
Our vision:
To see the value in learning and speaking foreign languages; to develop an appreciation of cultures other than our own; to enjoy challenging ourselves to be the best linguist we can be; to engender a curiosity about the beauty of language.
The following principles underpin this vision:
- Develop social and communication skills to allow students to practice the speaking of the language.
- To master the vocabulary and grammar required to accelerate speaking, writing, reading and listening skills.
- To experience and learn about the culture of Spanish speaking countries.
Department staff and responsibilities
Mr G Calwell – Head of MFL, MFL teacher, Assistant Headteacher
Mr C Leonard – MFL teacher
Miss E O’Donovan – Teaching & Learning Coordinator MFL
Miss K Helm – MFL teacher
Mr L Cozens – MFL teacher
EAL team
Miss R Prostakova – EAL Teacher Assistant
Miss Z Booth – EAL Teacher Assistant
Linked Governor – Councillor Charles Rigby
Key stage 3
At Bedford, we offer year 6 students the choice to study French or Spanish so that they have the opportunity to build on the knowledge and skills they have acquired at Primary School. It has not always been possible to offer both French and Spanish as the overwhelming majority in recent years have opted to study Spanish. The curriculum we offer puts the learning in contexts that are more relevant and interesting to our young learners. Students will be assessed regularly and rigorously. There are five skills that are assessed in MFL; listening, reading, writing and translation and speaking.
Year 7 topics;
It is our priority in the first term of Yr. 7 to ensure that all students can pronounce the language accurately. We will use our Phonetics scheme of learning to support this. We believe that by giving the students the skills to pronounce the language with accuracy the students will be able to:
- Build their confidence quickly.
- Become more enthused by the fact that they are able to speak the language and therefore more willing to keep practising it.
- Better practise their speaking skills with each other using the vocabulary and grammar that they continually pick up and use.
Further topics studied: Introducing myself, describing my family, other nationalities, my school, my likes and dislikes and my area. Researching and learning about Mexico (art, culture, food and festivals).
Year 8 topics;
Year 7 revision, home and area, meal-times, transport, holidays, cultural differences, the media, the present, past and future tense and free time. Researching and learning about Spanish festivals and traditions and how it differs to our own culture.
Year 9 topics;
Year 8 revision, discussing future plans and career opportunities. Hispanic speaking countries, cultural differences and festivities. A 12-week project based on the Hispanic speaking world. Learning about where languages can take us with our career aspirations. Studying the environment and understanding environmental changes. Discovering. Hispanic countries and learning about their cultural differences and festivities. We run a 6-week project based on the Hispanic speaking world with a group presentation assessment.
Key stage 4
At the end of year 9 students decide whether they wish to continue their MFL studies to GCSE.
Year 10 and year 11, GCSE themes 1 – 3:
Theme 1: Identity and Culture
Unit 1 Me, my family and friends
Unit 2 Technology and every-day life
Unit 3 Free-time activities
Unit 4 Customs and festivals
Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Unit 5 Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Unit 6 Social issues
Unit 7 Global issues
Unit 8 Travel and tourism
Theme 3: Current and future study and employment
Unit 9 My studies
Unit 10 Life at school and college
Unit 11 Education post-16 Unit 12 Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Subject Intent and Learning Journey
The following link outlines what students will learn at each stage of their journey at Bedford in MFL. This includes the key knowledge, skills and concepts they will encounter through their exciting and aspirational journey in MFL. MFL Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey