A relentless desire to achieve the highest standards is a hallmark of our school and we look forward, with confidence and determination, to providing the very best for each student in our care.


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Our Y8 girls rugby team played their first match of the 24/25 academic year! To prepare for the North West Counties we played a friendly against local rivals St Mary’s! With a few key players missing, we had some newer members of the team step up to play and do a great job. A great defensive display by Bedford with a special mention to Ruby H who tackled everything that came her way. St Mary’s got the win with some great try’s, but overall a fantastic first game! Well done girls!🏉🏉

Our Y8 girls rugby team played their first match of the 24/25 academic year! To prepare for the North West Counties we played a friendly against local rivals St Mary’s! With a few key players missing, we had some newer members of the team step up to play and do a great job. A great defensive display by Bedford with a special mention to Ruby H who tackled everything that came her way. St Mary’s got the win with some great try’s, but overall a fantastic first game! Well done girls!🏉🏉 ... See MoreSee Less

Well done to our Y10 student Beth P, who competed in an International competition in Sweden over the weekend. Beth Represented England in the U18’s discus despite only being 14! Super achievement 🤩🥏

Well done to our Y10 student Beth P, who competed in an International competition in Sweden over the weekend. Beth Represented England in the U18’s discus despite only being 14! Super achievement 🤩🥏 ... See MoreSee Less

On Tuesday, Bedford continued their ‘Cycle to School’ initiative and again, headed out of school for an organised bike ride. Last week the group headed towards Boothstown basin, this week we headed in the opposite direction towards Leigh and took in a really nice route along the canal and ended up at Pennington Flash and Leigh Sports Village. The cycling, scenery and wildlife were all impressive and the group continued to improve their cycling skills and local knowledge of cycle routes to and from school.

On Tuesday, Bedford continued their ‘Cycle to School’ initiative and again, headed out of school for an organised bike ride. Last week the group headed towards Boothstown basin, this week we headed in the opposite direction towards Leigh and took in a really nice route along the canal and ended up at Pennington Flash and Leigh Sports Village. The cycling, scenery and wildlife were all impressive and the group continued to improve their cycling skills and local knowledge of cycle routes to and from school. ... See MoreSee Less

Today our Bedford yr7 boys rugby team travelled to Rainford High School, St Helens for their senior-final of the NWC cup competition. Facing a large and powerful Rainford pack, Bedford struggled to get any foothold in the game and found themselves 12-0 down at half-time. The bruising encounter was taking its toll and injuries to key players meant that Bedford toiled , but couldn’t break through the Rainford defence. Final score 22-0. Hard luck boys, it just wasn’t our day today. Good luck Rainford in the final. Opposition coaches MOTM was Jacob H. and Bedford Parents’ vote went to Rohan W-R who tackled well throughout. We dust ourselves down and go again- looking forward to seeing who we draw in the first round of the Champion Schools (National ) Cup.

Today our Bedford yr7 boys rugby team travelled to Rainford High School, St Helens for their senior-final of the NWC cup competition. Facing a large and powerful Rainford pack, Bedford struggled to get any foothold in the game and found themselves 12-0 down at half-time. The bruising encounter was taking its toll and injuries to key players meant that Bedford toiled , but couldn’t break through the Rainford defence. Final score 22-0. Hard luck boys, it just wasn’t our day today. Good luck Rainford in the final. Opposition coaches MOTM was Jacob H. and Bedford Parents’ vote went to Rohan W-R who tackled well throughout. We dust ourselves down and go again- looking forward to seeing who we draw in the first round of the Champion Schools (National ) Cup. ... See MoreSee Less

Bedford Does Dance 2025 was a night we won't forget! Every student involved poured their hearts into every move and the energy from all was incredible. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made it a night to remember, your support means so much. Special thanks to Miss Thorpe our fantastic Dance lead. Check out our fabulous highlights video below #bedforddoesdance #wearebedfordarts ... See MoreSee Less


Click here for all 2024 videos

Bedford Welcomes Our New Year 7 Students

Prom 2024

GCSE Results Day 2024

Student Celebration Event 2024