Online Safety

The internet is a brilliant place to connect with others, to be creative and to discover new things. However, using the internet, either through a browser or through various apps, also comes with an element of risk.

You need to know how to navigate the online world in a safe and responsible manner.

Everyone has a right to feel safe and for the majority, you will be lucky and not have any issues, however like the lottery…it could be you.

At Bedford High School, you will be taught about online safety through your PDE lessons, form time activities, assemblies and enrichment opportunities.

If you get into a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, confused, upset you should speak to a trusted adult, either at home or in school. Although you are welcome to speak to any member of staff in school, and they will take your concern seriously, we have a dedicated pastoral team ready to support you:

Role Staff Details

Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Ramsden

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (If Mrs Ramsden is not available)

Mrs Moss

Mr McCaffery

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (If Mrs Ramsden is not available)

Miss Quinn

Pastoral Guidance Officers (PGO)

Miss Marsh (Lead PGO)

Mrs Haselden

Mrs Smith

Mrs Green

Pastoral Managers

Mrs Anders

Mr Lycett

Mrs Sharatt, Miss Abbott, Mr Cozens & Mr Mather

Mr Rowe

Mrs Duffy

Your Form Teacher


We also recommend the following websites that offer help and support to you:

Internet Matters Guides:

Sharing nudes and semi-nudes


Online gaming advice

Online safety tips for parents

Anonymous Apps Guides

Balancing screen time

Finally here’s some top tips to help keep you safe:

• Protect your online reputation: ‘think before you post.’ Content posted online can last forever and could be shared publicly by anyone.

• Know where to find help: Understand how to report inappropriate behaviours or contact to websites and service providers. Learn how to use blocking and deleting tools. If something happens that upsets you online, it’s never too late to tell someone.

• Don’t give in to pressure: Keep calm and stay in control. Once you’ve posted something. It’s very hard to take it back. Think ‘Would I say this in person?’.

• Respect the law: Age restrictions are there for a reason and to protect you. Only use reliable legal services to access music, films and games.

• Treat others as you would like to be treated: Never lower yourself to unkind behaviours. If someone is unkind to you online, speak to a trusted adult.