Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be a taster day for children before starting?
Bedford High School understands the importance of a smooth transition process, we will offer the opportunity for students to experience a day at Bedford High School.
What provisions do you have in place for children with learning difficulties?
The Base is dedicated to supporting our students to be independent learners. Our highly trained team of Teaching Assistants work alongside students to develop strategies which assist their learning. Interventions are provided throughout the school day for students who require further support – Interventions can include literacy, numeracy, and reading.
What provisions do you have in place for children coming in with existing support needs?
During the transition period we will communicate with your child’s primary school to discuss how the team at Bedford can support them. This information is then shared with teaching and support staff to allow for a consistent approach. Teaching Assistants and Behaviour and Learning Mentors will meet regularly with identified students to create and review termly goals.
Do new students have a buddy or mentor allocated to them?
We have nurture groups in our Aspirations Centre. Teaching Assistants and Behaviour and Learning Mentors are on hand to offer support along with our Pastoral team in The Hive. We are also part of Embrace’s SEND Youth Champion Scheme which aims to provide our younger students with SEND with a designated SEND Youth Champion.
How do you support students with visual impairments?
The SEND team will liaise with families and Primary Schools before they start. In addition, the Specialist Sensory Education Team will be asked to come to school to ensure your child’s sensory needs are reviewed and met regularly.
Are you a Dyslexia friendly school?
Bedford High School follow Wigan Council’s Dyslexia Policy by providing strategies in the classroom through Quality First Teaching and the Graduated Approach of assess, plan, do, review. The Educational Psychology Service is able to diagnose dyslexia, however, the needs of most young people with literacy difficulties can be met through normal curriculum provision and through the Graduated Approach.
Support available will look like this
- Dyslexia friendly text and size
- Buff paper (refer to SEND team)
- Spelling work
- Pre teaching of vocabulary / opportunities for overlearning
- When making power points have a coloured background other than white
- Where possible use numbers rather than bullet points
- Daily reading
- SoundsWrite
- Give help with sequencing ideas and rethinking stories
- Provide topic word banks/keywords and dictionaries.
How do you support children to build self-esteem?
We have several groups that will aid confidence building and improve self esteem such as our nurture group and resilience training group which are held in our Aspirations Centre facilitated by Mrs Pritchard. Referrals are made by teaching and support staff.
What parent teacher communication channels you use?
Students with an EHC Plan will receive regular contact from the SEND team in The Base. If you have any concerns you can contact our SEND Administrator via phone or email who can direct your query to the appropriate member of the team.
Are there facilities for neurodiverse children?
We make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of all children with SEND. This is recorded and reviewed via our Learning Plans and Student Passports which used and added to by all teaching and support staff. These will contain strategies personal to the student and will be used both in the class room and during unstructured times when required.
What is EXCELLENT attendance?
- 100%is outstanding= 0 days absent
- 96% -99%is good= No more than 8 days absent
- 91% -95%requires improvement= Between 9 and 18 days absent
- 90% and below is inadequate= 19+ days absent
The School Day
- Students should be on the school site by 8.25 a.m.
- Form period starts promptly at 8.30 a.m.
- The school day ends at 3.05pm.
- 2.15pm finish every second Wednesday