Safeguarding Policy shortened for Students CLICK HERE

Kooth Poster CLICK HERE

Who can you talk to if you are worried about something or you or a friend feels unsafe?

Safeguarding is EVERYONE’s responsibility, so you should be able to speak to any Bedford member of staff. However, there are some members of staff with specific responsibilities:

Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Ramsden
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (If Mrs Ramsden is not available) Mrs Moss
Mr McCaffery
Attendance & Safeguarding Officer Mrs Quinn
Pastoral Guidance Officers (PGO) Year 7 – Miss Marsh
Year 8 – Mrs Haselden
Year 9 – Mrs Smith
KS4 Mrs Green

Pastoral Managers Year 7 – Mrs Anders
Year 8 – Mr Lycett
Year 9 – Mr Mather, Miss Abbott, Miss Sharratt & Mr Cozens
Year 10 – Mr Rowe
Year 11 – Mrs Duffy
Your Form Teacher
Your teacher or a member of the support staff

What should I do if I am worried about something or someone?

Don’t bottle it up! Talk to a member of staff about your concerns. Tell them in your own words why you or another student needs help. They will tell you that they may need to pass the information on to Mrs Ramsden (Designated Safeguarding Lead).



Talk directly to Mrs Ramsden or your PGO.

The member of staff will listen to you, and together you will discuss the problem and the action that may be taken to support you.

What will happen if I speak to a member of staff?

When a student tells a member of staff something of concern, the member of staff will:

  • listen to what the student has to say
  • accept what the student says and make sure he/she knows that we take it seriously
  • reassure the student that he/she did the right thing in sharing the information
  • explain to the student what we will do next to offer support
  • record what has been said and inform Mrs Ramsden

Are there any other places I can seek advice?

Childline 0800 1111



Youngs Minds

0800 1111


Teenage Health Freak
The Site 0808 8084994
Talk to Frank 0300 1236600
The Hideout




The Police

CEOP – Online sexual abuse

101 / 999


Useful Websites and Resources

Please find below a selection of websites which provide further information on a variety of Safeguarding matters: