School uniform is obligatory. All items of school dress must be marked permanently and clearly.

Uniform – Boys | Uniform – Girls |
Knee-length logoed black skirt | |
Mid-grey or black flannel trousers – not fashion trousers |
Mid-grey or black flannel trousers – not fashion trousers |
Logo’ed jumper with year group stripe | Logo’ed jumper with year group stripe |
White shirt | White Shirt |
Black Shoes (no trainers, canvas or logos, Nike Air Force One’s are not allowed). | Black shoes (no trainers, canvas or logos, Nike Air Force One’s are not allowed). |
Grey socks | Black opaque tights or Plain black or grey knee-length socks |

- No body warmers/gilets,
- No leather/denim jackets
- No false eyelashes or lash extensions
- Piercings should be ‘lobe only’, no ‘top of the ear’, double or triple ear piercings or body/facial piercings of any type (such as nose, septum, top lip etc)
All year groups will have their own specific-coloured tie. The tie is black with two coloured stripes and has a Velcro attachment. The colours for each year group, from September, are as follows:
- Year 7 – Red
- Year 8 – Blue
- Year 9 – Silver
- Year 10 – Green
- Year 11 – Gold
The same colour is worn throughout your child’s time at Bedford, so for example a Year 7 starting in September 2023 will always wear a Blue tie, up to Year 11.
There are also changes to the PE kit.
Boys PE/Games kit
- The long-sleeved rugby shirt and 1/4 zip tops are not essential but will be the only ‘over’ items allowed.
- Black and Green T-shirt with logo
- Black and Green Long -Sleeved rugby shirt
- Black and Green shorts with logo
- Black socks with a Green top
- Black and Green ¼ Zip Top
- Plain Black Tracksuit Pants can be worn in adverse weather
- Trainers (AstroTurf trainers are best-no pumps or Converse)
- Football boots (plastic studs are best)
Girls PE/Games Kit
- Black and Green Short -Sleeved shirt with collar
- Black and Green Skort with logo
- Black socks with a Green top
- Black and Green ¼ Zip Top
- Plain Black sports leggings or tracksuit pants can be worn in adverse weather
- Trainers (no pumps or Converse)
IMPORTANT– some of our official uniform outfitters will be offering printing on the back of PE kit. This must be the SURNAME only (no nicknames). This is optional, however, parents do find that it helps with lost items.
Our Official Uniform Outfitters are:
- Icon Embroidery Ltd – 01942 375253 or 07866 529152, email:
- Jaymax Kidswear – 01942 682984
- Rainbow Uniforms – 01942 609447 or 07427545561, email:
- Rainbow Uniforms Leaflet
- Download Wynsors World of Shoes brochure.
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students, and anyone arriving at school in non-uniform clothing may be sent home to get changed.
Hair should not be of an extreme or unnatural colour, cut or style; including tramlines, streaks, patterns or Mohicans. Minimum cut length No.2.
Shoes should be all black sturdy and waterproof, suitable for all weather conditions with no logos colour or pattern. Trainers are strictly for PE. They are required to protect children’s feet in practical subjects eg. Design Technology. Click on the link above for Wynsors shoe brochure.
Except for a watch and one stud earing in each earlobe, jewellery and make-up/nail polish, acrylic polish/nails, fake nails and extensions are not permitted in school. Nose studs and visible body piercing are not allowed, they will be asked to remove them. If this is not possible, they will be taken to inclusion pending parent contact and professional/at-home removal.
Mobile phones should not be seen, heard or use suspected in school. If they are seen, they are confiscated until the end of the day (first time) or until parents or guardians can collect from school (second time). A third time results in a mobile phone contract where we ask you to either keep your child’s phone at home or support us in confiscating it each school day for an agreed period of time.
Sweatshirts/hooded tops, bodywarmers/gilets, casual sportswear, baseball caps, leather jackets, denim jackets, jeans or pockets with badges, stickers and embroidery are forbidden.