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Department Staff and Responsibilities

Ms N Flynn, Teaching and Learning Coordinator
Mrs A Duffy, Teacher of Drama

Linked Governor – Mr D Liggett

“Life is a theatre set in which there are but few practicable entrances.”

Victor Hugo

‘I cannot scream praise high enough for the teachers within Bedford Arts. It is their natural talent for nurturing and growth of self-esteem that has quite literally been life changing for my daughter’. Mrs Downs, (parent of an Arts student at Bedford High School).

Bedford High School is a Gold Artsmark School, Lead Artsmark School, Music Mark and National Theatre Flagship School. The Arts Faculty is composed of Art, Dance, Drama and Music and our united vision is to ‘Bring out the best in everyone through creative thinking and expression’. This statement is at the forefront of everything we do to ensure our students have as many high quality Arts opportunities as possible.

Our aim is for students to learn the craft of acting as well as looking at what happens back stage and supporting a performance.

The Drama Department provides opportunities for students to go to the theatre as well as work with artists in school.

Year 7, 8 & 9 students are taught 1 hour of Drama each week and it is offered as a GCSE Option (AQA exam board).

Drama Learning Journey

Key Stage 4 GCSE Drama (AQA specification)

Students have 3 hours of drama per week and follow the AQA specification. The topics they cover include theatre practitioners / theatre skills / play script exploration / physical theatre / devising drama / theatre reviews.

We are a National Theatre flagship school. We are one of a handful of chosen schools in Greater Manchester who work closely in association with the National Theatre. This gives us access to the company performing in school as well as students seeing the company’s perform at The Lowry theatre and accessing workshops with industry professionals.

In addition to this we are also an Exchange Theatre associate school, this gives our students the opportunity to perform in the venue and complete work experience in the theatre. A number of our students in KS4 are members of their young company.

Please click the link below to see an overview of the GCSE specification and further detail about the AQA course.

In addition to lunchtimes we have rehearsals twice a week after school in conjunction with the Expressive Arts faculty. Recent productions have included Elf, Sister Act and Aladdin.

Subject Intent and Learning Journey

The following link outlines what students will learn at each stage of their journey at Bedford in Drama. This includes the key knowledge, skills and concepts they will encounter through their exciting and aspirational journey in Drama. Drama Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey