PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & ETHICS (including Religious Education)
Staff and Responsibilities
Mr L Clarke – Teaching and Learning Coordinator
Mr P Shelton – Deputy Headteacher – Destinations (CEIAG), PDE Teacher
Mrs B Moss – Deputy Headteacher – Pastoral & Wellbeing, PDE Teacher
Mrs R Ramsden – Assistant Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead, PDE and GCSE RS Teacher
Mrs P Birchall, WRL Coordinator – CEIAG Coordination
Ms A McLeod, Teacher – PDE Teacher
All Subject Leads – Mapping of Cross Curricular PSHE
All Form Teachers – Delivering PSHE Focus Weeks
The Personal Development and Ethics (PDE) curriculum has been carefully designed to provide a flexible, dynamic, broad and balanced scheme of learning across all year groups. It is ambitious, age appropriate and spirals across both key stages. Our purpose is to provide every opportunity for our learners to be happy, healthy, engaged and successful citizens.
Our vision is not just to develop learner’s knowledge and understanding. It is also to enable them to investigate world views, express their ideas and respond to the world around them in an informed, rational and insightful way. We encourage leaners to make effective transitions, make positive learning and career choices and achieve economic well-being. The learning environment is PDE provides opportunities for learners to safely explore, reflect and clarify their own values and attitudes on the complex and sometimes conflicting range of world views they encounter both now and in the future.
The PDE curriculum has two strands, the first incorporates the Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), Citizenship, British Values, Character Education, SMSC, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). The second strand incorporates Religious Education in both key stages.
PDE is taught across both key stages for 1 hour per week. In addition to PDE, Religious Studies is also offered as a GCSE option at KS4
All students receive one 30min form time lesson each week on mental health and well-being education. The topics they explore include attitudes to mental health, promoting well-being, digital resilience, unhealthy and healthy coping strategies, dealing with change, managing exam pressure, reframing negative thinking and coping with grief. We also run awareness weeks during the academic year and fundraise for different charities linked to Mental Health and well-being e.g. Young Minds.
Year 7 content
Introduction to Communities (Religious Education)
Physical Health and Fitness
Who was Jesus? (Religious Education)
Families and Relationships
What does it mean to be Hindu? (Religious Education)
Puberty, Healthy Relationships, Risk and Consent
Diversity and Discrimination
Year 8 content
Financial Choices
Online and Media
What does it mean to be Muslim? (Religious Education)
Identity, Stereotypes and Equality
Online Wellbeing
How do people respond to Ultimate Questions? (Religious Education)
Spirited Arts (Religious Education)
What does it mean to be Buddhist? (Religious Education)
Year 9 content
Being Safe
Animals and the Environment (Religious Education)
Respectful relationships including friendships
Internet Safety and Harm
Relationships, Sexual Health and Consent
What does it mean to be Jewish? (Religious Education)
What does it mean to be Christian? (Religious Education)
Year 10 content
Religion, Crime and Punishment (Religious Education)
Intimate Sexual Relationships including Sexual Health (1)
Religion, Peace and Conflict (Religious Education)
Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Negotiating Consent
Religion and Drug Abuse (Religious Education)
The Existence of God and Revelation (Religious Education)
Y11 content
Work and Careers 1
Work and Careers 2
Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice (Religious Education)
Intimate Sexual Relationships including Sexual Health (2)
Revision and Study Skills
Revision and Study Skills
GCSE Religious Studies
At GCSE we study the Eduqas Religious Studies specification. As part of their GCSE learners will study units that will develop their knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious, beliefs, teachings, practices and sources of wisdom.
Our aim is to enable learners to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject. Opportunities are provided for learners to engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth, and their influence on human life. The course also challenges learners to reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in light of what they have learnt and it contributes to their preparation for adult life.
We will cover the following units during years 10 and 11:
Year 10 content
The Study of Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings
The Study of Christianity: practices
Issues of Life and Death
Issues of Good and Evil
Year 11 content
The Study of Judaism: Beliefs and Teachings
The Study of Judaism: practices
Issues of Human Rights
Issues of Relationships
Guidance from the Department of Education on Religious Education
The following link outlines what students will learn at each stage of their journey at Bedford in PDE. This includes the key knowledge, skills and concepts they will encounter through their exciting and aspirational journey in PDE. PDE Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey, RE Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey